Friday, October 16, 2009

Hinduism, world's oldest religion, Misconceptions in Hinduism

God is One. There is no such thing called Hindu God, Muslim God, Christian God.

Bible & koran is full of false informations, anti-scientific nonsense, contradictions & some war mongering satanc hellish verses.

From the day Christianity & Islam popped up.
It's not the economics or politics But Faith & God which became the centre of all conflicts & war & terrorism unfortunately.

Both Religions were invented by arabs & romans to group people in the name of religion & god so that they can get together, fight, conquer & dominate the world.

Hidden history of Jesus on youtube

Of all the vedic Literatures Bhagvadgita and Srimad bhagavatam is the essence.
Vedas are not man made like quran & bible.
its compiled by Krsna(The supreme Godhead) himself at the time of creation. If one wants to know the age of vedas than we have to find when creation happened
5100 years back at the end of dwapar yug. It was put into written form by Vedavyas, (Literary incarnation of Krsna)

Formely the whole world was Vedic only worshipping Krsna or Vishnu, The supreme Godhead. Here and there some Pagan or demigod worshippers like Greeks & Persians. Who were worship all sorts of Demigods like Indra, Brahma (Abraham), Durga, shiva, sun, etc who are actually living entities like us empowered by Krsna to control various universal affairs in the material world. There are some 33 different categories of demigods, Now 33 different categories have become 33 million Gods.

When Christianity & islam appeared. Christianity replaced Hinduism in Europe. Islam in Middle East & Africa.
from Afghanistan to cambodia,
southern Russia to India, are the central region of Sanatana Dharma or Hinduism.

Some common Misconceptions about Hinduism

1. Ploytheistic or Monotheistic
There are no many Gods in Hinduism. Its not polytheistic.
Krsna is the Only God.
"Krsna, who is known as Govinda is the supreme Godhead. He is the origin of all & He has no other origin & He is the prime cause of all causes. (Demigod Brahma in Brahma Samhita)

I am the souce of all Material & spiritual worlds, Everything emanates from me. There is no Truth superior to me. Everything rests upon me, as pearls are strung to a thread (Krsna in Gita 10.8 & 7.7)

2. Brahman:
Bodily effulgence emanating from KRSNA. Which is formless

3. Hindu Trinity.
Brahma : The secondary creator. He is a Demigod (Engineer of the Universe)

Vishnu : Expansion of Krsna. Who is Krsna Himself. Theres no difference between Krsna & his expansions like Balaram, Vishnu, Rama, Narashima etc

Shiva: He is not God & He is not a Demigod. He neither comes under Vishnu Tattva nor Jiva Tattva like demigods, He is inbetween

4. Buddha
He is the 9th incarnation of Vishnu or Krsna who appeared some 3500 years back not 2500 as they say. Although Hindus accept him as Incarnation. They rejected his philosophy which is all but Atheism.
His teachings are aimed at those Meat eaters who were killing innocent animals in the Temples in the name of sacrifice, Yagna etc & eating Meat.

5. Truth about Taj Mahal
Taj Mahal, Qutab Minar & other monuments around Delhi are actually of Hindu origin in its design, style & architecture. those barbarian Muslims vandalised & robbed it from Hindu kings & converted it into a Mousleum. (Google Taj Mahal was it a Hindu Temple) check out

6. Aryan invasion theory:
White supremazist Nazi-christian-british nonsense, Aryan is a sanskrit word used for those people who are spiritually advanced.

7. Mahabharat & Ramayan.
Ancient world Histories.

8. caste system
Brahmana - priests or teachers
ksatriya - Administrators or politicians
Vaisyas - Farmers or Busineesman
sudras - workers or simple labourers
Sanskrit names for various professions. These are not castes.

9. Meat eating
Strictly forbidden in Hinduism, jainisim, Buddhism and is considered extremely sinful. Saint Jesus preached "thou shall not kill" unfortunately all those so called followers of Jesus have not understood this simple instruction.

Islam is an Arab invansion. Its a religion of Arab Barbarians.
so guys from pakistan, iran, afghanistan, bangaladesh, kashmir, indonesia come to ur vedic roots Your ancestors were Hindu Aryans
All ur present sufferings & prob is all because of evil barbaric cult called Islam.


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